Mai Globe Travels has been participating in World Clean Up Day for several years. This annual event aims to raise awareness on the importance of controlling our garbage. Individuals and groups get involved by picking up collecting garbage in their local neighborhoods. Let’s take a behind-the-scenes look at how we get involved with this very important event.

Every year, we get in touch with our local, World Clean Up Day NGO, Prasanna, an environmental activist based in Colombo. Thanks to him, our cleaning sessions are recorded & added to all other sessions around the world.
Next we motivate the troops! The more we are, the more garbage we collect 😉 so we have to convince as many people as possible to join us! Fortunately, many people are sensitive to environmental issues and want to help, so most say yes to participating in the event. Last year we had participants on three continents committed to cleaning up the planet!

Last year, on September 20, we rolled up our sleeves, put gloves on and got to work. We collected over 90kg of trash! Trang, our Vietnam expert based in Hanoi, collected about 3kg of litter in her neighborhood; our CEO, currently in the USA, picked up over 4kg in a park; and I, your dedicated online marketing specialist, collected around 5kg in the suburbs of Paris. But the gold medal goes to our team in Sri Lanka, with more than 80kg collected along a main road! So much of the trash we picked up consisted of plastic and food packaging- evidence of the impact of plastic packaging on our planet. It felt so good to make a little difference. Will you join us?

Even though the pandemic is currently preventing us from traveling, we are trying to think positive: the lockdown has allowed nature to regenerate! Travel will be possible again, and we will take extra care to offer you responsible travels.